"A Comparative Analysis of School Board Members’ and School Principals’" by Madiha Talat

A Comparative Analysis of School Board Members’ and School Principals’ Perceptions of Islamic School Board Effectiveness in the United States of America


Madiha Talat

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Educational Administration

Date of Award

Fall 2020


There is a need to fill the gap in school board literature by examining Islamic school board members’ and their principals’ perceptions of school board effectiveness. The purpose of this quantitative study was to measure and compare ratings of school board effectiveness of Islamic school boards by board members and school principals. The instrument for measurement was based on Smoley’s (1999) model for effective school boards. The instrument was used to measure principals’ and school board members’ perceptions about six areas of school governance: (a) making decisions; (b) functioning as a group; (c) exercising authority; (d) connecting to the community; (e) working toward board improvement; (f) acting strategically. 55 board members and 26 principals participated in the study. Results of the Board Self-Assessment Questionnaire developed by Smoley (1999) revealed principals had greater perceptions than board members of board effectiveness in the areas of making decisions and functioning as a group. Demographic characteristics indicated both group members being highly qualified. Board members were primarily of male, and most principals were female. Board members were professionals in fields other than education; the majority of principals belonged to the field of education. Schools locations spanned the country, and varied in student populations, grade levels offered, and size of their board.


Ray Thompson

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Administration and Supervision
