"Instructors’ Self-Perception of Teaching Effectiveness in Texas Dual C" by John D. Stutler

Instructors’ Self-Perception of Teaching Effectiveness in Texas Dual Credit English 1301: An Opportunity for Reflection and Growth

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Curriculum and Instruction

Date of Award

Fall 2020


The purpose of this study was to examine the difference of self-perception of teaching effectiveness in terms of beliefs about the nature of writing and about student learning outcomes between high school and college instructors who teach dual credit English 1301 by face-to-face instructional method in Texas public community colleges. After a review of the literature, the researcher found there was a need for a quantitative examination of the self-perception of effectiveness of English 1301 high school and college dual credit faculty in relation to faculty type and other demographic and background variables. The researcher conducted this study of ninety-one dual credit English 1301 instructors in a non-random convenience sampling in the state of Texas. The survey, a modification of the Teaching Writing Self-Efficacy Scale (TWSES) with a synthesis of the literature for postsecondary composition, was used to gather data using Likert scaling. The researcher investigated how faculty type, gender, ethnicity/race, average class size, average number of weekly contact hours with students, highest degree completed, and years of service teaching dual credit English interacted with self-perception of teaching effectiveness of the nature of writing and student learning outcomes. Findings revealed statistically significant differences in the self-perception of effectiveness of teaching the nature of writing as a social process between those instructors who meet with their students five hours per week rather than four hours. Significant differences also existed between these same instructor groups in their self-perception of effectiveness for the total nature of writing. Additionally, gender and the student learning outcome of collaborating throughout the writing process was statistically significant. Female instructors felt higher levels of self-efficacy than their male colleagues in teaching students to collaborate. Finally, the researcher identified statistically significant differences between the recursive nature of writing and ethnicity/race. Minority instructors reported higher levels of self-efficacy in teaching writing as a recursive process than White instructors did. These findings should provide all dual credit administrators and English professionals with data to design and implement specific workshops and training to better equip dual credit English 1301 instructors.


JoHyun Kim

Subject Categories

Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Secondary Education
