"Spatial Perspective Taking: The Role of Risk" by Denise Foster Askew

Spatial Perspective Taking: The Role of Risk

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Psychology and Special Education

Date of Award

Summer 2012


Participants viewed one of two photographs featuring the initial frame of an action sequence: (a) an actor poised to dip carrots, or (b) the same actor poised to chop carrots with a cleaver. In Study 1, spatial perspective did not vary significantly for the two scenes, F (1, 121) < 1, p >.05. For both, more participants took the actor's perspective. Chopping carrots was not viewed as risky.

In Study 2, a risk prime was added before the photographs. Spatial perspective did vary significantly for the two scenes, F (1, 89) = 5.029, < 05. More participants took the actor's perspective for dipping carrots. However, more participants took a neutral spatial perspective for chopping carrots. The neutral perspective did not require simulating the risk consequences associated with handling that tool.


Shulan Lu

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Psychology
