"Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene Over Palladium on Il Loaded Silic" by Ting Zhou

Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene Over Palladium on Il Loaded Silica Support


Ting Zhou

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Date of Award

Fall 2012


Silica supported Pd catalysts loaded with five different ionic liquids are tested for the selective acetylene hydrogenation. For each catalyst, the highest acetylene conversion is always achieved when H2/C2H2 is 10/1 and the highest ethylene selectivity is usually achieved with 2/1 H2/C2H2 ratio. The maximum ethylene yield varies with ionic liquids and H2/C2H2 ratios used. All the catalysts except Pd/EmimBF4/SiO2 exhibit good catalytic stability under constant temperature and H2/C2H2 ratio conditions. The thermal stability of Pd on ionic liquid supported catalysts was tested with TGA. The decomposition and reduction of Pd precursor in 5%H2/N2 starts at 30�C and is completed at 120�C to pure palladium. However, there is no significant Pd peak in the TGA study over the catalysts when the ionic liquid with [Bmim] as the cation is used. However, there are several small decomposition peaks indicating up to 5% of impurities in purchased ionic liquid.


Ben Jang

Subject Categories

Chemistry | Physical Sciences and Mathematics
