"Factors That Predict Multicultural Teaching Competencies Among Counsel" by Desiree Stephens

Factors That Predict Multicultural Teaching Competencies Among Counselor Educators

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)



Date of Award

Summer 2020


Education and training are crucial components that make up a competent multicultural individual. Literature extensively documents multicultural competencies in students and counselors; however, it is limited in the exploration of the same among counselor educators. The purpose of this study was to understand if there are specific factor(s) that contribute to multicultural teaching skill and knowledge amongst counselor educators. Factors observed in this study consisted of experience being in a marginalized population, year graduated, attended a CACREP program, took a multicultural counseling course, and taught a multicultural counseling course, and scores on the MAKSS-CE-R. Data was collected from 115 individuals who currently teach in their university’s CACREP counseling program and have a Doctoral degree. Multiple regression analysis was used to answer the research questions. The results revealed that counseling competence is a significant predictor of multicultural teaching skills and knowledge. Also, experience being in a marginalized population is a significant predictor of multicultural teaching knowledge. The implications, limitations, and recommendations for future research are provided.


Samuel Bore

Subject Categories

Counseling | Social and Behavioral Sciences

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