"But They're Just Kids: An Academic Analysis of Early College High Scho" by Rachel Jennische

But They're Just Kids: An Academic Analysis of Early College High School Students and Traditional College Students at a Texas 2-Year Institution

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Higher Edu and Learning Technology

Date of Award



This quantitative study examined the comparative factors of academic success between ECHS students (ECHS) and non-ECHS traditional college students, and utilized secondary data from National Student Clearinghouse and an East Texas community college. The enrollment of students in ECHS and non-ECHS traditional college students guided the study. The study focused on academic success factors, such as GPA, retention, and graduation. To further predict and compare academic success factors between ECHS and non-ECHS traditional college students, the data was disaggregated and compared among various at-risk demographics, such as ethnic minority, gender, and socioeconomic status.


Kibum Kwon

Subject Categories

Education | Higher Education
