
A Study On Security Protocols for Hacking Prevention

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science and Info Sys

Date of Award

Fall 2012


Online users today are faced with a multitude of problems. Typical online users are vulnerable to viruses, worms, bugs, Trojan horses etc., as well as sniffers spoofing their private sessions. They are also vulnerable to phishing, endangering their financial information. Additionally, users are constantly subjected to an invasion of privacy with the multitude of spyware available to monitor their surfing behaviors. As if that was not enough, users are also subject to malwares that stop or completely destroy their machines, rendering them helpless. These instances only indicate that the Internet is not ? safe place for online users. Users are constantly vulnerable to hacked sessions, attacks, and phishes that make them wary of going online. However, the trend does not stop at that. In fact, corporations and government sector organizations also face the same problems. Corporate information is being hacked, emails are read, government secret information is subject to security risks, and banks are being hacked to steal millions of dollars. Some of the reasons behind such ?tt?cks include the weaknesses inherent in the networks of the companies and government organizations; other reasons include careless users. Whichever the case, internet security issues have become of major concern for technologists and users alike. There is ? great need to understand the nature of the ?tt?cks, the networks, the loop holes, and the measures taken to counteract them. The following research identifies the various methods and techniques of ?tt?cks online and how they expose the users to information theft, system corruption, and loss of funds. The research also identifies various methods that are being used to counteract these ?tt?cks and their effectiveness for users. Some suggestions are also given for future security measures for networks and network users.


Sang Suh

Subject Categories

Computer Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics