
A Case Study: Women of Color Advancement to Senior-Level Leadership at Higher Education Institutions


Alene Denson

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Higher Edu and Learning Technology

Date of Award

Spring 2023


The purpose of this research was to explore how the intersection of gender and raceinfluence the advancement of women of color to senior-level leadership positions at higher education institutions. This study discusses perceptions and perspectives on advancement and a variation of obstacles that continue to prohibit and limit opportunities for women of color. It also examines effective strategies women of color utilize and find most helpful in navigating institutional practices and ingrained biases that work in tandem to limit advancement for women of color. The researcher developed an in-depth analysis of women of color with senior-level rankings operating within a public university system. This study represents a single-case study at a public university. Using Pratt-Clarke’s (2010) transdisciplinary applied social justice model power domains as the theoretical framework, the analysis was informed through exploratory tools such as intersectionality, theory of gendered organizations, and critical race theory.


JoHyun Kim

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Leadership