ETSTC and Rationing in WWII

Commerce was heavily involved in rationing programs, as was the rest of the country. Citizens conserved whatever they could for the war effort -- food, metal, fuel, and other necessary materiel. East Texas State Teachers College professors, staff, and students did their part as well, teaching wartime classes and putting together ration drives. Some rationing methods were quite creative! The only way America would achieve victory over the Axis Powers was if everyone worked together and rationed. This display includes documents and posters from the period.

Make This Pledge

Make This Pledge

Dig For Victory, Front

Dig For Victory, Front

Any Old Iron?

Any Old Iron?

Rationing Display

Rationing Display

Whole Grain Cereal Exhibit

Whole Grain Cereal Exhibit

A Message to our Tenants From the Government

A Message to our Tenants From the Government